Durex #OrgasmEquality: How feminists try to shut down voices of men to continue their hate campaigns

Women are equally responsible if many couples have poor sex lives. Even men can have bad sex lives due to their spouses or partners. But, feminists want to blame only men.
Feminists today somehow feel that all the battles for gender equality are already over or they are on the verge of being over. So, they got a new issue to wage war against men: Orgasm Equality.
Ask any feminist, you will realize that they have no interest in any conversations about equality, if it does not adversely impact young women. They will show little concern for elderly women or equality issues of men like suicides or workplace fatalities.
Anyway, even if we ignore these transgressions, we soon confront a new problem: Feminists do not want men to have any voice in any gender discourses. So, they indulge in all kinds of shaming of men in media to shut down voices of men.
This part is not forgivable as this goes against the very foundation of any modern liberal society. People have a right to voice their opinions without being intimidated or shamed.
In the meanwhile, brand consultants of Condom maker Durex wanted to ride on “Naari Shakti” (Girl Power). So, they conducted a paid survey to make a strange claim, 70% women are not experiencing orgasm and men are to be blamed for that. This is nothing new. For years, Gillette tried the same marketing tricks. More recently, Ferns and Petals tried it and it backfired.
Back to the topic of Orgasm Equality, though feminists started topic on this topic and started laying all the blame on men, they wont accept any discussion or debate on this issue. They want to have the last word and that’s it.

When a man dared to question feminists or (in this case) Durex, they heaped abuses on him and shamed him by calling him, a fragile man-child, a ch***ya, a man who compensates his small penis with a big male ego.