Feminists NGOs Getting Exposed

Today I saw two interviews on Youtube and I think they are important to be noticed from men’s rights prospective.
The interviews were done by Journalist Aslam Tahir Gora of the TAG TV. The 1st interview that I watched was of Major Gaurav Arya (of Indian Army). He said “activists / NGOs are a profession now and big money is being made“. Large majority of the NGOs are feminists NGOs or are run / backed by leftists.
He said “Such NGOs plays dangerous victim card. If you said something and that person happens to be a female, then such NGOs and their associates will attack with allegations of patriarchy, male chauvinist, women hater. Many people face it, if you are talking something and if they do not agree with you then they will hit back with you hate particular religion, you hate a particular gender. They have nothing to do with argument “. Is this something new and that we do not know? People in the men’s rights movement or those keeps themselves updated with men’s issue know these for many years. Now why this interview coming out from a YouTube channel is important from men’s rights prospective? Because this shows some people, at least some in the visible media have started to recognize it and can see through modus operandi of radical feminists NGOs. I have no hesitation to say that feminists have nothing to do with women but in the name of women they want to grab power and money. Also, please note that when something is in fashion there will many people who will be in it because it is a trend. Example of this are the kid feminists, many of them even not sure what they are talking about. One more very important thing to notice on Feminists NGOs or left leaning NGOs are they work as a web. One day a feminists talking on some women issue, next day you will see that feminist at a climate protest, some other day you will see the same feminist activist at other protests like Saheen Bag. As Abhijit Iyer Mitra said in of his recent interviews that NGOs amplify the issue so that they can get funding. It the money for which all this things goes on in the name of gender equality. In fact due to creation of such half truth narrative and creating superficial pressure on government to create more and more gender biased laws are having grave implications on family system of India. One must remember India culture survived hundreds of years of slavery due to strong family system. The joint family system is long gone and their target is on the nuclear family. If the nuclear family too breaks down the most severely affected will be the India middle class. So everyone concerned with well being of India and its people, should see radical feminists agenda and should work towards exposing them.
Now some may ask that SIFF is also an NGO. Ok SIFF is an NGO but there is a fundamental difference between SIFF and feminists NGOs. SIFF do not get any funding from government, corporates, public at large or foreign entities. Government should take a critical look on working of NGOs and start cleaning up the dirty web. I am sharing the full interview of Maj Gaurav Arya below:
The second interview was of Tarek Fateh. He said “People like Disha Ravi are not the type of women like Margaret Thatcher or Indira Gandhi. In the name of gender equality and in the grab of diversity are doing horrendous mischievous things. People who have very little sense of the world are thriving” He again said “You cannot say anything. If you say then they will say you are misogynist, you are against women in politics”
Now my question is did they just discover it now? If they had already why it took them so long to talk about it. Affected men in the men’s rights movement know about it for a very long time and has been trying to raise awareness on such issues over many years now. Prominent among them are SIFF, Vaastav, CRISP and many other NGOs. People from such NGOs have conducted seminars in many cities, met parliamentarians to update them on such issues, conducted press conferences, press releases, filed PILs, released thousands of articles etc. Why still people found it difficult to rise from their slumber! But this is good to see some people have recognized it and speaking out of their conscience. Feminists used these tactics of labelling people as misogynist very effectively to shut down voices of people who questioned them with process of law to be maintained. Feminists say believe women. How can anyone just believe women if one if alleging crimes? We should just believe that truth and only truth must stand. For this to happen there must a fair gender neutral and effective mechanism to establish truth. However, radical feminists do not want any process of law. For them if they said anything, it should be taken as the judgement. They talk of gender equality but when it comes process of law, they want gender biased laws which are heavily tilted towards one gender.
Even for crimes if the convict is a women a lenient view is taken. Why? A lenient view may be taken based on circumstances like old age but not on gender. The system wants to do gender equality but in practice it shows that women are not equal and needs special treatment. The most important thing for law making should be – Laws should be made for people not for any gender. Such things are exploited by many unscrupulous women by filing multiple fake case and indulge in day light extortion. The two videos show that to bring awareness and change in society takes time and sometimes takes long time when vested interest are involved. Meanwhile many more innocent men and their families will be facing gender biased laws and feminazi propaganda. Many families will be broken. But surely that moment of sunshine will come when radical feminist propaganda will be completely exposed and they will have no face to show anywhere.
You can watch the full interview of Tarek Fateh below:
Author: Jeet is a writer and counsellor.