Fighting for access to your kids? Give missed call to 9278 978 978

Every year, an estimated 150,000 fathers in India are losing access to their own kids due to marital problems and separation from spouse.
They go through immense pain and trauma, while India’s Government and the Family Court system do not really care about this suffering and injustice. The courts are so traditional that they believe men do not feel any emotional pain and men have to be blamed if any marriage has broken down.
With such hostile attitudes prevailing in family court system in India, no one really cares about what a child may be going through when separated from the father. Children who are 4 years or older face trauma when they realise that they are not going to see their own loving father again.
Courts sleep for months and years in most custody disputes and even when they pass a court order, then do not have a mechanism for punishment of custodial parent, if she does not obey the court order of child visition for father.
Men facing such traumatic experience must unite. They can give a missed call to SIFF’s helpline number 9278 978 978. You will get a text message (SMS) with link to WhatsApp group, which has 15 of our experts and counselors.
SIFF has counselors to counsel these distressed fathers and help them deal with their loss and unite with other such fathers to fight for access to their kids.