How to Finish off #MeToo Movement and Save Lives?

Before we begin, lets ask a simple question, “Do we think the #MeToo movement will ever have due process?” If the answer is a resounding NO, then its time to finish off this movement.

However, it is near to impossible to finish it off, if people keep pussyfooting around this and treat the crazy #MeToo activists with kid’s gloves. One has to viciously go after these criminal minded people and their ideology. One has to employ proper men’s rights style. An humanist or egalitarian approach to this problem will only prolong the misery of innocent victims and it will embolden the #MeToo lynch mob.
So, its time for people to make a choice. Are you ready to finish off this fascist and illegal movement or not? If you are ready, then continue reading. If you still have a doubt, then you can stop reading and consider coming back when you think, it is time.
Why it is necessary to finish off the #MeToo Movement?
# Because, its proponents do not want any due process to find if a man is innocent or guilty.
# They are least bothered about suicides or deaths of any man due to fake #MeToo allegations.
# They are a social media lynch mob.
# They want to create an example out of each accused man.
# They want a punishment disproportionate to the crime (if the man has committed it).
How to finish off the #MeToo movement?
The first step to finish off this fascist movement is to minimize and downplay the allegations made by the women. In short, downplay the allegations in social media and ridicule the allegations unless it is an allegation of violent rape.
For example, if the allegation is, the man said, “Kya mast maal hai – What a nice item/object she is,” then just dismiss it as an inappropriate joke or even a compliment by the man.
Women do use such language on men. Once a female politician said, “Boys are rejected Maal (objects)!” Did she lose her job or career? If a woman can not be punished for an inappropriate sexist slur, then why should a man lose a his career for making similar comments? Many female politicians have made extremely distasteful and sexist comments about men. No one called for destruction of their careers.
Let’s talk about online behavior of many feminist women now a days. They regularly use offensive language and call men as a C*nt, Chu*ya, ass*le etc. Is it considered a crime by any authority? But, if a man uses similar language on a woman, then many in India will cry it as sexual harassment.
People were always offending each other in human civilization. Women were always abusing other women (and men) since ages. Its just that there is a new kind of moral policing and feminists are using men for target practice, while keeping women immune from restrictions of these morals. Social media has made it easier to impose these morals, make allegations of #MeToo and destroy careers of men.
“Trivializing all the #MeToo allegations is the key to finishing it off.”
If a man sent an unsolicited dick pic to the woman, then the woman can send him a scary looking vagina pic so that the guy can suffer a bit from eurotophobia. If she is so chaste that a dick pic puts her in severe psychological trauma, then she should just stop chatting and flirting with guys and instead seek to marry a white knight, who can work as her unpaid online bodyguard.
The same logic should be applied, when the allegations are about a sexist joke or forwarding her a picture of 4 men peeing on a wall. She can send the man a pic of 4 women peeing. If the allegations are about the man squeezing two stress balls on the table in front of her, the woman should be blamed for imagining too much. Balls are not boobs.
If the allegations are about inappropriate touching, then lets tell the woman to just stop wasting everyone’s time. Many women do touch men inappropriately or just to tease the guy. Many male celebrities are mobbed by women. If women are as much sexual creatures as men, then touching is no big deal. When you are ride sharing in Uber or an autorickshaw with two women, your thighs are going to touch. It is uncomfortable for any man.
If a man touches a woman inappropriately, she can just slap him or use pepper spray (even in office settings) after getting a couple of witnesses. Similarly, if a woman does not stop touching a man inappropriately, he should also be allowed to physically restrain her or slap her.
Under no circumstances, one should tolerate a group of men ganging up on a man if there is a physical altercation between a man or a woman. Such men should be reported to police for their violence. Men should have a right to physically defend themselves and restrain the the violent woman using force. Men must take this stand in social media.
The 2nd step is to change the Society’s attitude’s towards male sexuality:
Everyone has to question the cliched notions about male sexuality. The common notions are, men are always eager to have sex and if a man is staring at a woman, then he wont mind having sex with her.
In reality, most men wont even consider to f*ck 90% women they stare at. Most men do not critically examine themselves and their sexual preferences. They tend to get influenced by what their friends always bragged around them. But, when it comes to sex, most women are a turn off.
In reality, Men are not sex machines. Most men look for a deeper psychological connection than having sex like a robot. If you keep ethical behavior aside, men hate sluts. You heard it right, the prostitute on the street is more ethical than most women, when it comes to money. However, men hate her. Because, they do not find any emotional connection with her.
The Third Step is make men to Send Legal Notices to the women and suing the women:
This is the most important step. Proper help and moral support must be provided to a man so that he can sue the women leveling #MeToo allegations. Most men facing #MeToo are not mentally prepared to sue their accusers. This encourages the fascist terrorists.
The man accused of #MeToo must immediately send legal notices to the woman leveling allegations so that she gets exposed. He must deny all her allegations and accuse her of subjecting him to social media lynching, making attempts to destroy his career, encouraging online psychopaths to physically attack him and threatening to unleash corrupt police officials on him to harass, humiliate him and drive him to become a mental wreck.

In the legal notice, he should tell her to stop this criminal activities as it is violating his human rights as a citizen of the country.
Without going into any details, he must write that, he never raped her and he never molested her and she has just lost her mind due to her psychotic narcissistic behaviour that she may have cultivated by hanging around with too many radical feminists.
He should clearly warn her that if he faces any physical violence by anyone, she will be held responsible for misusing social media to promote physical violence against him and putting his life in grave danger. He should accuse her of scheming to hire contract killers to attack him.
Psychotic women are capable of going to any extent and they know that some crazy men may just unleash violence on the hapless guy to gain her attention.
If she is not psychotic, then she can just file a police complaint and submit the evidences. In such a case, the man can just ask the police to serve him a notice under CrPC 41a.
The Fourth Step is to take the battle to enemy’s territory:
Like a bunch of radicalized terrorists, radical feminists wont stop at anything. They have a global hate network and it constantly churns brainwashed clone armies. They will keep importing new methods and inventing new memes to harm men. Its like a war on men.
So, men and women who hate feminists have to constantly engage these feminist terrorists and often take the initiative to neutralize them before they strike. It is a disaster, if you wait for these feminazis to strike first and you keep wondering how to respond.

When you all are playing the waiting game all the while trying to be a nice guys, you are playing the game as per the rules set by the enemy. If you want to win against these terrorists, then you have to change the rules of the game and force the feminazis to play the game as per your rules.
So, the fourth step is to ambush the feminist ideology. You have to divide the feminist ideology into different parts and you have to dismantle every part of it. Feminazi movement is hydra headed. You can not fight it effectively, unleash you slay every part of this movement viciously.
You need to understand that feminists are controlling the culture now a days and they are changing it in such a way that it puts men in defensive. So, resist cultural dictatorship by feminists by going on offense.
It is not just about attacking #MeToo. Men’s activists also have to attack issues like gender vote banks, women’s reservation, demands for men to share half of the house work, women (and even their parents) being a financial and emotional burden on men and challenge feminist attempts to redefine morality in the society.
When a group of people are on a systematic offensive to destroy you or your group, they will be emboldened if you keep playing victim and keep begging for help and sympathy. You may be thinking about winning more supporters, but what you will be missing is, feminists joking about how they ill treated so many men and how they never imagined that one day young women in India can even drive young men to suicide.
You have to be cunning and strategic like a woman and yet you have to take charge like real man with balls. Its not time for pussyfooting and hence do not even think of attempting that.
Update 1: Keep following SIFF and its content and trainings to finish off #MeToo movement. When a man commits suicide due to fake #MeToo, feminists are saying, an innocent man can never feel trauma of false allegations. In fact, they are celebrating these deaths of men.