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Modern day mother’s – Are They Biggest Enemy of the Children?

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We are always used to the concept of Mother as the biggest protector of their children. A mother can even shred her life to protect her children in a blink of eye. She can sacrifice anything and everything for the happiness and well being of her child. Well these used to be the truth. And I salute all those mothers who were like this, and I bow down my head with lot of gratitude, love and affection towards them. That was the sanctity and beauty of a mother for which we used to say one cannot repay a mothers loan( Matru Runa) even in seven lives.



Let us look at this in the modern day context, especially In India.  Indian families have been broken into small cells. Husband, wife and children. Many daughter in laws don’t want to stay along with their father and mother in-laws. To them it seems like a disturbance in their privacy. These old parents of husband are unwanted and by hook or crook try to keep them away for their families. It’s the days of woman empowerment so these wives win, and succeed in keeping them separately so that they can have their own private space, they and their hubby and their own children. In the process, they forget, how much important the love and affection and the teachings what their children could have got from their grand parents. To them it does not seem like a matter to be considered before their own selfishness. Rather these children are her property, since she have given birth and these children should not be pampered the old way but the modern ways, which this modern mother could only do. Poor children are deprived of such beautiful loving relationship, but unfortunately they are helpless, in fact what can they do when their fathers cant even do anything!!!


Modern Indian woman are doing jobs now a days. They are contributing to the GDP of the country, which is good, by the way a woman who does not go to do a job also contribute to the GDP, but only factor being we don’t measure. So since both parents are working, who is going to take care of the children ? Grand parents are not there, but don’t worry for every problem there is a solution, there is an opportunity. Day care, full time maid service are the form of these solution system.  so now these children which used to enjoy special attention and love from mothers are left with the care of Maids. Many modern day working mothers don’t have time to pack their lunch box, in this rush who is worried after the poor kid. Mama is more worried of the office meetings and missing the office bus than not able to give time to her child. For their independence and own satisfaction these woman first kicked their in laws now even kicking their own children, but children are very good in accommodating. They will cry for one or two days when they see no result better adjust with the circumstance. It’s the prize of being born in 21st century India probably.


In the above cases at least Fathers are there, but in the cases where these modern day mothers have conflicts with their husbands,  first thing they try to do is separate the child from the father. And they don’t hesitate even to use these children as bargaining tools to settle scores with their husbands and get their demands fulfilled. But in this whole exercise they forget about their own children, they deprive them from the love and affection of fathers. They never even bother for a second to think what rights they have got to do this injustice to these children. They don’t even think about the affect on the child by alienating them from their fathers. Nothing matters to them when it comes to their own selfishness.


If we see, these modern day mothers, they deprived their own child from the love and affection of Gran parents, They deprived the child from the love and affection of Mother, since they want to work and have their freedom, they even deprived the child from the love and affection of Father, just to bend things their way.


In whole of this, Child of a mother is no where, it is only the woman who is at center, and who is trying to do things for her own selfishness, and biggest misery is children are at the loosing end because of their own Modern India Mothers. If I try to stitch these things together and see more closely, I could hardly see mother its just a woman, real mother is missing in today’s Modern day Indian Mothers.



This Article is Authored by B.Narshing Kumar.

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