Outrageous survey about India by British NGO

Just last month, a shocking poll about India emerged from Great Britain. This poll conducted by an NGO called “Trust Law” made some of the most outrageous claims about India and then it used all the international media channels to defame and degrade India and Indian people.Such polls can also severely harm India and also worsen Indian social problems like Female Foeticide. This NGO Trust Law is rub by Thomson Reuters Foundation.
The poll focused primarily on 5 countries in the world. They are Congo, Pakistan, Indian, Somalia and Afganistan. One has to wonder, what criterion they used to select these 5 countries in the first place; when the size and demographies of these countries are so diverse that any comparison between them is utter nonsense. 4 out of 5 of these countries have Muslim or Hindu majority except Congo, which has 96% Christians.
If after dubiously shortlisting and filtering 5 countries for a poll, to find which of these countries is most dangerous for women, the NGO Trust Law conducted a “Perception Poll”.
Now, what the hell is a “Perception Poll”?
According to this NGO Trust Law, they selected secretely 213 global experts on Gender Issues and asked their opinion about which country is most dangerous in the world. Based on perception of these 213 so called experts, the countries are ranked in terms of how evil they are (towards women).
Now, any such perception based poll is purely unscientific. Perception is not science. I can have a perception that 20% of British boys aged 8 or 10 father children. My perception is based on one news I saw in TV. Is that perception correct? No. It is not.
In scientific terms perception is a single or double derivative of reality. Its like confusing acceleration with velocity of a vehicle. Similarly, countries which are in news due to their size, demography or being political hotbeds can get a lot of bad publicity in media. It is to be noted that its easy for media to sell bad news.
So, the “Perception Poll” finally ranked the countries according to how evil they are towards women. Afganistan is ranked as most dangerous place for women in the world. It was followed by Congo, Pakistan and India. The fifth place was bagged by Somalia.
And what about Saudi Arabia, Iran, Nigeria, Thailand and many other countries?
Now, let us get some more details about what this poll and its media transcript has to say about India.
The media transcript says, “there are an estimated 100 million women and children trafficked in Indian every year (for prostitution)”.
Now, here is where the authors, the founders or donors of this NGO are smoking grass. 100 million means 10 crores.
India has a total population of 1200 million people, out of which about 550 million are women and girls. According to the NGO’s claims in its website and in media, 100 million out of 550 million women and girls are trafficked in India every single year. That means, in last one decade, all the Indian women are trafficked (for prostitution) at least twice.
That also means, according to “perception poll” and study by this NGO “Trust Law” all Indian women are forced prostitutes, who were trafficked into prostitution at least 2 times in last decade only.
Had the NGO conducted such a poll about China and indulged in such propaganda, China would have called the British Ambassador for an explanation and would have asked for formal appology from Great Britain and a ban on this useless NGO. However, this is India and our Italy born chairperson of ruling Congress Government or her appointed puppet Prime Minister have no time to look into such issues as the Govt is mired in corruption scandals. May be, the British who came to participate in the scandalous commonwealth games realised this to be right time for a massive anti-Indian propaganda.
Now, coming back to the psychology of such NGOs, one has to rationally explore different motives.
The NGO Trust Law is funded by “Thomson Reuters Foundation”. Its a pretty unknown entity and it started its “Women’s Rights” initiative just recently. So, it needed some publicity. So, what is the best way to gain publicity in the most cost effective way? May be it should bash up some “soft state” or “some poor country” dependent on International donors. It can not bash up Saudi Arabia or Iran risking a 20% hike in global oil prices and triggering an international crisis. It can not bash Thailand as it does not want some British men having sex with teenage prostitutes there to be handcuffed and paraded in media.
Now, this story is propagated all over the world through thousands of new media channels and large number of Indian news channels and newspapers. So, now it is the job of Indians to sincerely believe that India and India’s culture is one of the most dangerous in the world towards women. We must not look at statistics.
The previous lies propagated by Harvard, Lancet, Oprah and many other vested interests have resulted in the conviction on this perception. According to Oprah and Lisa Ling, Bangalore is “Bride Burning” capital. No one looks at the data on ground. According to Lancet propaganda, 106,000 women die due to burning every year in India. According to Time Magazine thr propaganda is, 25000 women are killed for dowry in Indian every year.
The reality is: Indian women are 2 times safer than American women in their homes or outside. The spousal homicide rates of women in India are exactly half that of United States of America. The domestic violence rates of many Indian States (for example, Karnataka) are less than even United States of America.
Yet, the Western World is obsessed with sweeping generalisations about India and continues to conduct fake surveys to keep the rumour mills running.
Somehow, the feminists running these countries believe “Alarmism and Radical fire-fighting will improve condition of women and children in non-western countries”. They are absolutely righteous about this belief, “Alarmism works”.
Even Trust Law employed some people to make claims that such alarmist degrading polls and surveys help highlight the issues. How do these white people assume from a distance of 6000 miles that they know all the solutions for problems in India? May be they think that they are racially superior.
India’s GDP was more than entire treasury of Queen of England before British plundered India like thieves and decoits. India’s GDP was second to Chinas just 400 years back.
If today, we make every young Indian man and women believe that India is one of the most dangerous places for women, then which parent would like to have a girl child? Every parent would like to have a boy and hence this alarmism only contributes an increase in female foeticide.
The feminists are now telling Indian people, “Kill the girl child” because India is dangerous for women.Then they use this gendercide data to claim, India is dangerous for girls and the vicious self-propelling engine worsens the social problems.
It does not matter even if 3 times more Indian men die compared to Indian women due to accidents, suicides or murders. Still, for these alarmist criminals, India is very safe for Men, but it is extremely unsafe for women.
Its time, Indian Foreign Ministry calls the British Ambassador and asks for an explanation for this evil propaganda and makes British Govt rein in this irresponsible NGO Trust Law.