Phone Pe Ad Promotes Money Can Buy Love

Media in all forms has been used to promote various things. Television (TV) has been the most profound among all form of media till now. Corporate houses or any business for that matter wants to sell their product or service. So for that matter they want people to spend. So they pass on subtle messages through their ads which may be religious, nationalistic or gender issue. Emotional marketing happens big time now.
However this has taken a very alarming form now. The behavioral changes which are being propagated through the subtle messages in these ads are very profound. And the impact is going to be negative. In this post I am going to speak about the subtle message many ads give that Money Can Buy Love. Check the ad by Phone Pe and see what they are trying to convey! The message is very subtle, if you spend money, you are going to hear you are being loved. This kind of messages may be picked by men and more so by young men who would think that spending money would get them love.
Such subtle messages are also picked up women and more so young women who would think that expecting gifts from men and spending money by men as a norm. In between real love is lost somewhere. It makes me think that this behavioral change is bringing great damage to relationships. Read an article on the Truth of Valentines Day. The commercialization of love and related events like Valentines day has taken a huge toll on relationships of both men and women. The expectation on men has increased many fold who are thinking that with success, high position or money they can buy love or feel love. I have seen a large number of men having this idea. However, the idea of buying love is far from truth. On the other hand women chooses men in order to rise in the dominance hierarchy. A women might see gifts and spending of money by men as a man’s worth and their position in the hierarchy. There by she might see it as a norm and may be even as a matter of her right. When her such perceived rights are not fulfilled, it has been noticed that some women see it as a violation and have gone on to end the relationship. Even worse some have even filed fake cases.
The kind of subtle messages the ads and media are feeding to our men and women, particularly young men and women have already done great damage. If we do not wake up even now and look to rectify them then there is no stopping towards the downwards spiral. Love will not remain love if the very idea of love is contaminated with such subtle messages propagated by ads and media. Why today no one raise their voice against such ads? We have been so used to selective outrage. Remember when love is commoditized the outcome will also be commodity and not love.