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Positional Power and new Mahabharata War

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The early morning attack on Pearl Harbour on early morning of December 7th, 1941 by Japanese killed 2,402 people and wounded 1,282 people. These attacks were unprovoked and took the American soldiers sleeping in battleships by surprise. The surprise attack made the Americans at Pearl Harbour look completely helpless as their battleships, ground aircrafts and young soldiers were finished off by Japanese. Unprovoked attacks on people can sometimes be very costly as Japanese were to find in 1945.

Now, when one looks at Indian situation in last decade, at least a million innocent Indian citizens have been threatened, abused, insulted, extorted and jailed for no crime committed by them, just due to jealously, incompetency, sadistic, high handed brutal behaviour by some people occupying high positions of power.

So, brutal are these persons holding the “positional power” that, Innocent women were abused and jailed. Children are picked up from school by police and sent to jail. Bails have to be applied from children as small as 2 or 4 years fearing the police. The persons in “positional power” across India often consider themselves as Gods and falsely assume that they have the power over life, limb and liberty of million other people. Somehow, they believe positional power as supreme and assume that the tears of millions of innocent men, women and children will not come back to them as bad Karma. For example, they may have a great party after they extort Rs.50,000/- or Rs.100,000/- from a poor family holding couple of women and elders hostage in a police station. They may even celebrate, when they hear the news of a man committing suicide after being threatened, tortured or abused by these persons having the positional power. It is not unnatural for them to ignore the pleas for mercy by innocent men, women, children and elders crying in despair as they are thrown in jails or are forced to death and misery.

However, every dog has its day.

It is very strange that these brutal sadistic insensitive persons holding “positional powers”, do not realise that the very people, whom they abused, threatened, jailed and tortured for months or years, can one day return in vengeance and turn on them without showing any mercy. All the mistakes, corruption, abuse, extortion and unconstitutional actions performed will certainly come back to the persons holding high positions and chairs. One need not even mention RTI, Media activism or Internet activism etc.

Indian constitution does not advocate the harassment, torture, abuse and jailing of innocent people. Then, the persons with “positional power” are certainly violating constitution of India. Those, who violate the spirit of the constitution of nation or society individually or collectively and brutalise innocent people, will certainly pay a price as the Mahabharata war takes serious turns.

So, here is the opportunity to all people holding “high chairs” or “positional power”.

It is time, the persons in “high chairs” with “positional power” realise that they are badly outnumbered and make a choice to see, if they can work out a truce. “Positional Power” is just no match for personal power or spirit of human soul. It would be extreme foolish, if one believes that “positional power” can hold against human spirit. Those, who are sitting on the fences, also have to make choices and decide sides in this Mahabharata war.

If these persons with positional power feel, they have higher moral strength and ethics on their side, instead of hiding behind walls of forts; they can come out and get ready to engage in a battle in Internet or public debate as being citizens without employing positional power.

2402 people died due to the surprise attack by Japanese on Pearl Harbour. It is certain that much more number of people have died due to the brutal actions by persons holding high positions.

To All Old Men above the age of 50:

You guys had a lot of chances to make a difference to India in 70s and 80s. Instead, you are responsible for promoting corruption, unethical practices and incompetency across India, directly or indirectly. Most men of your generation were also male chauvinist pigs, who surrounded themselves with weak women and oppressed them. Many men of your generation married multiple times, had mistresses and used women as commodity or slaves. Do not run away from your responsibility. Its time, you own up what you did and what you did not do.

So, do not show off your skills, brains or experience to people, who are making real difference to India right now. In any way, all your brains and experience is pretty useless in a world, which is changing so fast. Even if, you have any noble intentions for India, Indian society, culture, family system or marriages, then realise that it is TOO LATE and we have crossed the point of “no return” decisively. Take responsibility for the same.

It is the young, who are transforming India. It is the young Indians, who have put India in the world map and hence you get out of their way. It is the young Indians, who are creating wealth by working hard in India and abroad. So, be grateful to them instead of having an attitude to create misery for young people. Realise that you have got disconnect with younger generations and you have no right to deny basic human and natural rights to human beings.

Today in India, many old people create policies that deny young men and women the right to procreate for years or even decades. How appropriate, legal or constitutional is that?

Do not make the young pay price for the oppression you and your earlier generations did on women.

In India, old people have an inherent conditioning to expect respect from young. Those days are also over. It is the action that one takes and not ones age that counts.

Just Chill out! Retire and make way for the young!!

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