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For Hindus, marriage harmonizes two individuals for ultimate eternity so that they can abide by their dharma/responsibilities, arth/meaning and karma/work. A Hindu wedding known as “Vivaha” is considered as a sacred union of people. As per Vedic Hindu traditions, marriage is viewed as one of the lifelong commitments of wife and the husband.

Though marriage is all about lifelong commitments/promises that husband and wife assures each other for always standing together in all the good/bad times. Some Indian Urban educated women have turned the tables and are no more concerned about love, comfort and secure environment, instead money is all they need.

The Indian laws for protecting women were created while keeping the retro (old time) status of a wife, But in this rapidly changing world there has been a drastic change in the behaviour as well as thinking of women.

In India, there are no laws designated for the male community i.e. there are no laws to protect men against cruelty by wife or maintenance for husbands. Now-a-days many discussions are in place regarding the equality of men and women then “why are we failing to provide equal rights for men to fight against cruelty by the wife?” Or “why the voice raised by men for cruelty with him & his family are unheard by our law/constitution?

As per the law, the act of giving the dowry is equivalent crime as asking for dowry then “why the women and her family are not questioned/punished by the law for giving dowry?” even though the women & her family imposes false implications on husband and announces that they had given a hefty amount as dowry just to use these laws as a weapon to harass the husband.

These laws (The Dowry Prohibition Act, Section 498A of IPC, Section 125 of CRPC) were made to protect women but today these laws are used as a means to “LEGAL EXTORTION”. Now, the women are misusing these acts just to extort money, harass the husband and his family. Irrespective of the fact that husband’s family comprises of elderly parents and other women of the family are also harassed for all wrongful purposes like blackmailing.

Amendments must be made to The Dowry Prohibition Act, Section 498A of IPC, Section 125 of CRPC and strict actions/punishments must be taken into account  against the women imposing false charges and harassing husband & his family.

“Actions must be taken immediately as these laws have turned up to be a legal way of extorting money and harassing men.”

–Prerana Garg

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