Shameless Manmohan. Shameless Girija!!

The Indian Government led by a person called Manmohan is truly shameless. It indulges in pure hypocrisy and double standards.
Lets take the case of chair person of National Commission for Women, who is literally lying on National Television.
On one hand they talk about protection of women, and on the otherhand they do not even create an Anti-dowry helpline for preventing dowry. They do not want to create a law for prevention of forced marriages of women. Manmohan is responsible for arrest of more than 1,23,000 women without trial or investigation in last 4 years. Why is he showing his face? Has he lost all the shame after these women are dragged to police stations, abused, insulted, harassed, threatened, extorted and then sent to jail?
Its a pity that some people in Indian are still celebrating independence day on August 15th. On 20th July, 2005, Supreme Court of India urged the Govt and Parliament to take steps to stop abuse of section 498a and warned against “legal terrorism”. Is Mr.Manmohan deaf for last 4 years?
About an year back, Girija Vyas claimed on National Television that section 498a and DV act must not be mixed and Misuse of section 498a will come down once DV act comes into force. It was very clear at that time that she was lying to mislead the audience. She was forcing audience to assume that DV cases and 498a cases will not be filed together and they are separate. Today, women file a case under section 498a and then they also file a case of DV and then they file another case under section 125 for maintenance.
If Manmohan is honest, then he would not have kept such liars in cabinet rank positions.
And what about domestic violence against men by women or her brothers/fathers? Why men have to pay tax, when Govt or laws do not to give protection (to men) from violence?
Just see the picture below. A young Software Engineer in Bangalore is not only assaulted, but also bitten by his violent wife. If he had attacked her back, then Govt and Girijas Vyas would have called it domestic violence against women. Such criminal wives would be made to spend 3 years behind bars, if it had happened in United States of America. But, in India, everyone considers perfectly criminal women as some innocent creatures, even while one of the former prime minister of India was murdered by a woman.