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Valentine Special: Why “Dating Education” is essential to Indian Men today?

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#MGTOW #RedPill
I am Tom, a Men’s rights activist. Supporter of MGTOW and Red-Pill Community.

In this Article, I may write something which may seem derogatory to the dignity of women, which goes against Article 51A (e) of the constitution of India, but everyone has right to freedom of speech and expression Article 19 in a free democracy. Constructive criticisms should always be welcomed. I am not talking about all women it just feels like….

This is my first article and this is in response to the writer of the article,

“Why I regret my marriage” published on NOVEMBER 17, 2020.

I am accustomed with similar situations(just like the writer as experienced) in my friend circle and social circle and I have personally dated more than 13 women. After learning from experiences, I have come to know that there is a RECURRING PATTERN in the psychology of women, in the behavior of women. Over a period of time, I can say,
“I have understood THE GAME !”

As I understood the answer to the question “What Women Want?”

The life of an uneducated man is as useless as the tail of a dog which neither covers its rear end nor protects it from the b… | Chanakya quotes, Life, Think


Let me explain the psychology of modern women-

1. Women ‘think’ they have options-

किसी भी साधारण व्यक्ति का जीवन बदलने के लिए काफी है यह 25 विचार | Chanakya Niti full |Roshan Zindagi - YouTubeSociety, specially modern society has taught a woman that she is the prize. Society teaches of women that she is like a Fairytale princess and deserves a bigger better deal[BBD]. WOMEN ARE THE FUTURE! If a man truly wants her then he should completely be her SLAVE and submit to her demands.

With social media like facebook, Instagram; with tons of Beta male orbiters liking, commenting and following a woman on these platforms, subconsciously tell women that she is some superior and has options with us MEN.

Yashraj and Disney movies  taught us men to SIMP a women and make them Centre of universe. But what exactly happens when you put your girlfriend/wife on pedestal? She loses respect! If you have not witness this like an inexperienced Indian MEN, then I suggest you to try and treat her like a celebrity and see how she treats you like a fan!

Once made equal to man, woman becomes his... - Quote

2. Friendzone- a women’s buffer zone

Friendzone Challenge TikTok Compilation 2019 - YouTubeProvided the privilege that Tinder as well as social media gives to the woman; tons of options with man. She friend zones everyone among the beta males orbiters who are interested in her. Beta males bring her flowers submit to her demand and become her Door-Mats basically, take her to wine and dine, free meals,  take her to movies etc.

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But the women doesn’t give sex to the Beta Orbiters. She makes them invest in her more and more without investing anything in return. When she finally finds someone with with higher social status who can satisfy her lifestyle, her monetary needs, she just gives a friendszone speech to rest of the males, ‘WE ARE JUST FRIENDS!!, and keeps all of them on the back burner. If she doesn’t find a big better deal[BBD] she might probably marry one of the BETA  who makes more money/better lifestyle  and settle down.


3. Master Manipulators

Derogatory Chanakya quotes on women- Daily BhaskarGenerally when the man invest in a woman, he naturally develops feelings for her. Women are smart, they sense this. You come under the woman’s “beautiful woman spell”. She can now extract concessions from you. You are basically her puppet once you get emotionally attached with the woman. Most of the married women will withhold sex from their husband,  act like a psycho, fake pregnancy, fake a suicide attempt only to manipulate the man.


4. You cannot satisfy women don’t even try it!

Derogatory Chanakya quotes on women- Daily Bhaskar Women are never satisfied. They will manipulate you to achieve their desired result. Most of the time you will feel that it is your decision but it is subconsciously manipulated by women. They will quarrel with you, question your masculinity, ridicule you, make fun of you in order to provoke you to do things which they demand. And once you fulfill their demand, they will put forward bigger demand and repeat the same nuisance tactics. She will always be complaining and demanding.

5. Open Hypergamy- women continuously mate up the order.

30+ Chanakya Neethi ideas in 2020 | chanakya quotes, quotes, inspirational quotesHypergamy does not care how long the woman has stayed with you, she has kids from you, what is your current bank balance. Once a woman finds a bigger better deal[BBD],  who can provide her the better lifestyle and social status, she will MONKEY BRANCH.
Her speed of monkey branching will be inversely proportional to the amount of investment you let her make into you. The lesser she invested in you in terms of time, sex and money, the quicker she will leave you !

If a women can leave Tom Cruise, Will Smith, Hrithik Roshan, Who are you Brother?


6. Men are disposable commodity, women “Professional Victims”

Women know marriage laws across the world are biased in favour of women and they take advantage of it. To avoid social defamation for their own conduct they pick a safer option “The Victim Card”  and entangle the man in all the guilt and court procedures.

Society has not taught women to take accountability especially modern women.
Feminism is about shedding a women own responsibility and pointing fingers at MEN. We all know what happened with Sayed Ahmed Makhdoom who committed suicide fighting dowry harassment and separation of his son on April 2009.


Don't try to understand women. Women understand women, and they hate each other. | Friendship Ecard

The Ancients knew hypergamy and psychology of women, it is for this reason  ancient society kept women’s morality under check by the forms of social shaming and social defamation of women. Modernization, however has brought ENTITLEMENT to the women. Feminism is a movement by the woman with ulterior motives who want to exercise hypergamy in the open with ZERO accountability and pointing fingers at MEN.

This is the main reason why I feel that Indian men who are not aware of the ground realities and the nature/psychology of women, they need to be taught with Dating Lessons/ dating tips, to avoid trouble in the future. Talking about dating and sex is a taboo in India. Yes! sex education is given but dating education is not given. While women are taught “MAKE HIM CHASE YOU”; “DONT SAY I LOVE YOU FIRST”; “LET HIM INVEST IN YOU”; “LET HIM PAY THE BILL” and other such entitlements, Men are not taught anything to women attracted to him. For us Men it is GIVE! GIVE! GIVE! and for Women it is TAKE! TAKE! TAKE! …

To Conclude

This according to me  is the reason for growing men’s victimization because men are at disadvantage. MEN ARE NOT TAUGHT TO DEMAND SEX AND INTIMACY!! Men are not accustomed with GAMES WOMEN PLAY, their MANIPULATION and DRAMA. They are not trained to keep the women interested and attracted in the long term. They are not trained when to exit the relationship with MINIMUM LIABILITIES!! How to get rid of disrespecting  women. How to make the woman be in her best behavior. Point blank!!

According to Darius M, red pill coach from Chicago,
“A man teaches his woman how she treats him”


In Subsequent article I will Try to explain psychology of women.


A man can be happy with any woman, as l... Oscar Wilde about Love

“Attachment is the cause of all evils” -The Buddha




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